Inner City Enterprise

SEER Programme

The Seeking Economic Empowerment and Resilience Programme

Programme developed to support young adults aged 18-35 years from migrant, refugee, asylum seeking, direct provision communities to develop a business or business idea.
This course is free for all participants.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world ‘Ghandi’

Gain clarity and confidence to start business in Ireland

Generate and assess business ideas

Choose the correct business model for your start-up

Understand business structure and legal requirements

Gain an overview of sales and marketing

Understand the eco-system of support

course Overview

SEER Programme is a two week course that offers an opportunity to for young adults aged 18-35 years from migrant, refugee, asylum seeking, direct provision communities to gain access to relevant content and guidance to equip them with the confidence, connections and skills needed to set up their own businesses.

ICE works with Youth Business International and the Entrepreneurs Academy to run this interactive and innovative training opportunity.

This programme will include 2 full day in-person bootcamps online eLearning, teams meet-ups, online Q&A sessions, facilitated peer mentoring.

Some key areas that will be covered during the programme:

  1. Understanding Entrepreneurship
  2. Identifying Business Opportunities
  3. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem
  4. Introduction to Developing a Business Plan
  5. Navigating Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
  6. Financial Literacy and Management
  7. Marketing and Sales Skills
  8. Pitching, Communication and Public Speaking Skills
  9. Cultural Competence in Business
  10. Accessing Resources and Support Networks
  11. Encouraging Peer Collaboration and Networking

The next SEER Programme for Ukrainians will run from 19th March to 2nd April
2 weeks | a hybrid programme: online with 2 days in person in Dublin City Centre
Fully online places are also available.

For more information contact Laura Dennehy at

This programme is SUPPORTED BY


The Frequently asked questions

This programme will provide you with the knowledge and skills to support you in setting up, or further developing, your own business in Ireland.

Here’s a short list of what participants will learn in the program:

– Gain clarity and confidence to start business in Ireland
– Generate and assess business ideas
– Choose the correct business model of your start-up
– Understand business structure and legal requirements
– Gain an overview of sales and marketing
– Understand the eco-system of support

You will need to be able to attend the full Programme inclusive of the in person days. For the online sessions you will need access to wi-fi/laptop/zoom. Ability to start and complete the full Programme

Eligibility and suitability is based on the following:

1) Ability to attend the full programme to completion 
2) This is open to young adults age profile 18-35 years of age from migrant/refugee/asylum seeking/direct provision communities 
3) You must possess excellent written/spoken and understanding of the English language. 
4) You should display a very keen interest in Entrepreneurship/starting or started your own business/have a business idea in mind

This is a two week programme.

  • SEER for Ukrainians will run from 19th March to 2nd April.
  • SEER for Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees will run from May 14th to May 28th 

The in-person training days are held on the first and last days of the programme and are located in The ICE Hub on the Hill,  49/50, Coleraine St, Smithfield, Dublin 7, D07 XW62

This is a FREE Programme

Please complete the registration form on this web page.
If you require more information please contact Laura on

Yes, participants who attend 80% plus of the programme will receive a certificate.

What SEER participants say about the programmee