Pre Launch Breakfast of the new ICE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE HUB, 28th September 2023
What a fantastic morning we had! 🌟
On behalf of the entire ICE team. We want to extend a warm Thank you for attending our recent ICE Enterprise Hub launch. We were thrilled to have you join us in what turned out to be a fabulous packed event!. We were blown away by the turn out. Your presence made it all the more special and we are extremely appreciative and grateful for your support!.
Let us also thank everyone without whom our new Social Enterprise Hub couldn’t have happened:
- Our board of directors for all their unwavering belief in this Hub, and especially our incredible chair Vincent Crowley.
- DCC & all the Local Councillors who also believed in the project and helped to make it happen.
- LEO & The Economic Unit colleagues for their ongoing tireless encouragement and enthusiasm.
- John Paul Construction – our favourite construction company!!! We have no idea how we will ever be able to thank them enough – for getting involved and providing pro bono support, for enthusiasm & laughs!
- Incredible Meta team who worked with the ICE team tirelessly providing support of both funding and pro bono support for the HUB and ensured that ICE received all these amazing free furniture.
- And finally, we want to thank all the new ICE anchor tenants Mike Kelly, Moyee Coffee, Sobhan Conlon & Dave McDonald for their enduring patience for putting up with all the teething problems of a new workspace.
With the help of all these outstanding people and organisations we are now establishing one of the first Social Enterprise HUBs in Dublin City which will be an inclusive people centred place to allow entrepreneurs grow and flourish in a safe space.
Napoleon Bonaparte, that well known general once said ‘If you don’t spread your wings – you’ll never know how high you can soar’. And that maxim is what the hub will represent in times to come!