- Financial Support
- Provider: Department of Social Protection
JobsPlus is an employer incentive which rewards employers who employ jobseekers on the Live Register. It is designed to encourage employers and businesses to employ people who have been out of work for long periods. The Department of Social Protection (DSP) pays the incentive to the employer monthly in arrears over a 2-year period. Payment ranges from €7,500 to €10,000.
Note, most ICE Clients are based in Dublin City so all Local Enterprise Office (LEO) links are to the Dublin City LEO page. If you are based elsewhere, find your local office here. and go to the equivalent page.
- Cost to partecipate: Remainder of cost to employ new hire

Key Eligibility Criteria
Available to all employers in the private (including commercial semi-state), community, not-for-profit and voluntary sectors.
Must be registered as a PAYE employer with Revenue, must be compliant with Irish tax and employment laws, and must offer full-time employment of over 30 hours per week, spanning at least 4 days per week.