Inner City Enterprise

COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS).

Payment known as the Advance Credit for Trading Expenses (ACTE). Support to businesses forced to close or trade at significantly reduced levels as a result of restrictions imposed on them in response to COVID-19. Eligible businesses can make a claim to Revenue for a payment known as an Advance Credit for Trading Expenses (ACTE). An ACTE is payable for each week a business is affected by the restrictions. The CRSS is expected to continue until 31 March 2021. The ACTE is equal to 10% of the average weekly turnover of the business in 2019 up to €20,000, plus 5% on turnover over €20,000. In the case of new businesses, the turnover is based on the average actual weekly turnover in 2020. The ACTE is subject to a maximum weekly payment of €5,000.

Note, most ICE Clients are based in Dublin City so all Local Enterprise Office (LEO) links are to the Dublin City LEO page. If you are based elsewhere, find your local office here. and go to the equivalent page.


Key Eligibility Criteria

The scheme is available to businesses that carry on a trade or trading activities from a business premises, including companies, sole-traders or self-employed individuals, and partnerships. Profits of the trade or trading activities oF the business must be chargeable to tax under Case 1 of Schedule D. Business must have tax clearance from revenue.

Note, the eligibility criteria on the Dublin City LEO site aren't always up to date so if in doubt, reach out to the LEO directly!

Social Enterprise




Larger than 'micro'
